Ghost of Christmas Present

If God is Truth, then Truth should
direct the will. If love is an act of the will, then to love or judge something,
we need to know it. The primacy of the intellect is important in order to love
and judge things in the right way. If we are ignorant of what is true, how will
we direct our will? What is our criterion for judging, other than our own desires?
Scripture gives us a subtle warning on
the topic. “My people are ruined for lack of knowledge!” (Hosea 4:6). If we chose to ignore “the boy”, then doom
will engulf us all, because it all starts with ideas, and ideas have consequences.
“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a
habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
In the 25th chapter of the Gospel of
Mathew we hear, “For I was hungry and you gave me food”. This is certainly
about physical food, but also about the spiritual work of mercy to feed the
intellect. One can think
of the truths of our faith as a kind of health-food for the mind.

The Fall of Man has dimmed the intellect
and weakened the will; as
a result the human soul easily grows flabby and tired. In other words it is
natural for us to be spiritually stupid and lazy. We then default to our
animalistic sensibilities and have the habit of replacing God with other masters
since it seems to save us so much trouble.
We all like to think of ourselves as
independent thinkers, but people are like sheep and everyone eventually sits at
the feet of a master. Who will feed our intellect about the right to life,
human dignity, the nature of marriage, just war, capital punishment, etc.? Will
we sit at the feet of Jesus through His Church or will it be some politician or
political party, a celebrity or talk show host, a television evangelist, your
favorite college professor, or will it simply be the always
"infallible" majority? Who is your master?