Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Metaphysical Quote of the Day

I recently struggled through Fr. Spitzers’ book entitled “New Proofs for the Existence of God”. The new Pope should give this priest the new title of “Utmost Scary-Smart” since his book is bursting with such heavy physics and metaphysics; it often had me in a physical posture similar to this:
Glad I’m done. Walking around the house like this
was starting to scare the wife & kids.

Joe prefers pod casts from Fr. Spitzer; see his post HERE. I will post some things I can relate to from the book in the near future; things that I can connect to other things. Since I need time for my brain to recover (from the parts I could actually understand), I’ll just share this quote for now:

“An apprehension of truth entails seeing unity amongst differences, for any act of understanding involves a comparison, and comparison involves bringing together distinct images or ideas.”

OR, as G.K. Chesterton likes to put it, “Thinking means connecting things”. It is true of material things as well as spiritual things and they come together eventually if you keep digging. In the words of physicist Werner Heisenberg, “The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”

I’d challenge members of the new internet generation to read this book because it goes deep; it’s the exact opposite of “surfing”, so it may be quite a shock for “surface-dwellers”.
God? But the internet told me we
come from nothing for the purpose of nothing. 


  1. I haven't read the book but from reviews of it it was apparent that "new" was somewhat nuanced in that the books gives the traditional arguments for God (cosmological, teleological, and then some Thomistic arguments. The new is only that the arguments are dressed up with modern scientific, especially cosmological dressing. Are there new arguments in the book, or just new clothing for the old ones?

    1. Hello R1,
      The introduction has a section called “Why are these proofs new?” I won’t re-type it here, but you can read the intro for free on-line if you search for the book on
