The talk begins by explaining that God is being itself and the goal of Satan is to move
us away from true being or “the real”, and move us toward non-being or “the
unreal”. Moving toward the unreal makes us phony, and he used the acronym of P-H-O-N-E-Y to make some powerful points.
Ironically, even the acronym of
PHONEY is phony since it’s spelled incorrectly. The speaker seems intelligent
enough to have planned it this way, but whatever the case, it is a very clever approach
to bringing out problems within the Church that may not seem like problems on
the surface. It acts almost like a modern-day examination of conscience. Are
you P-H-O-N-E-Y?
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Now hear this! |
The following is paraphrased from Dr. Kreeft's talk and is written in the context of Satan giving instructions to other
demons on how to completely destroy Catholics (along with the rest of civilized
society), while at the same time making them think they are really faithful and
quite helpful to the world.
is for Politicization:
Make them treat politics as religion
and religion as politics. Make them worship the elephant or the donkey instead
of God. In this way they will make politics absolute and religion relative.
is for Happy-Talk:
Keep them focused on peace, love,
tolerance and non-judgmentalism. Convince them that the spiritual battleground
is really a spiritual playground. Make them forget that in the past few decades
they have lost about half their priests, two thirds of their nuns, Mass
attendance went from 75% to 25% and confessions have been reduce by even more.
Don’t let
them see that Catholic families are being destroyed at about the rate as non-Catholic
families. They abort, contracept, sodomize, fornicate and divorce at about the
same rate as everyone else, but make sure to convince them that all this is
“progressive”. Of course we know that calling someone who supports these things
“progressive” is like calling a cannibal a chef.
is for Organizationalism:
Make sure they see the Church as an
organization, not an organism; an earthy business instead of a supernatural
mystery. Make them want success and not sanctity. Make them fear failure and
not sin. Keep them busy and distracted; make them Marthas instead of Marys.
Do not allow any silence in their
lives; prevent it at all costs because silence can lead to the “one thing”
spoken of by Him at the house of Mary & Martha. This point cannot be
emphasized enough. Use all the power and principalities at your disposal to
keep them from contemplative silence which leads directly to the “one thing”. Nothing
is more devastating to us and we have no defense against it (see Luke
is for Neo-Worship (worship of the new or fashionable):
Teach them that what is new is true
and what is old is false. Make sure that they dismiss their “old’ weapons
against evil and refer to them as “pre-Vatican II”. These things should include
the Mass, the Eucharist, Eucharistic adoration, frequent confession, the
Rosary, any traditional devotion to Mary or the saints, all dogmas and the
whole idea of infallibility. In fact, it may even be possible to convince them
Jesus himself is “pre-Vatican II”.
is for Egalitarianism, especially among the sexes:
Men are superior to women at being
men, and women are superior to men and being women, but make them think that
men and women are the same. In this way the beauty of men and women is negated
like making the beauty of black and the beauty of white into a dull gray. Make
certain that any non-physical difference noted between men and women is immediately
labeled as sexist bigotry. This will keep them quiet about the reality of the
is for Yuppiedom or Hedonism:
Make them shoppers instead of saints. Addiction
to the comforts of this world will make them unwilling and unable to practice
sacrificial love or embrace suffering. Make them want Christ without the cross,
which is the same as no Christ at all.
Final Instructions:
Turn strength into weakness, but call
it compassion. Make faithfulness faithlessness and have them call faithfulness
fanaticism. Make them think of humility as stupidity and obedience as cowardice.
Don’t overestimate them when they are lacking God’s Grace. In this state it is
possible to convince them that good is evil and evil is good. Don’t underestimate yourselves; you can coax them into believing that snow is black
if you need to. Make everything lead away from reality which will lead them to
insanity. The unreal is the same as non-being, which is the same as non-living,
which is exactly where we want them. Remember, the wages of sin is death (Romans
6:23).The 2nd part of Peter Kreeft's talk deals with how Catholics can ultimately win the culture war. I’ll share some notes & thoughts on that part in a week or two. Until then, God bless.