I’m afraid
our children, if left alone, would determine right vs. wrong on their own via
their own internal passions as opposed to any outside system. By the way,
if you doubt the existence of
original sin, spend some time with toddlers or small children. You will note
that there is no need to teach them how to be “bad”. It just comes naturally.
guided, children will not use an outside system to judge things and adults are
not much different, other than perhaps they will more readily yield to the majority.
For many, cultural consensus has become the guarantee of truth. If enough
people told you that up is down and right is wrong, you’ll cave unless you have
an outside system to refer to.
If this seems
ridiculous, ponder the insanity of abortion. If educated people can actually be
made to believe that an unborn baby is a “non-person” with no right to be alive,
what else can they be convinced of? If said persons were to ask, “When did we
become persons?” They would accept subjective thresholds of viability or
conscience as dictated by the majority, instead of the observable and scientific point of conception. We often fail to live up to the edicts
of the obvious.
Reflect on
the unintelligibility of same-sex marriage as well. Too many have been easily
duped into thinking that marriage has no rational basis in procreation; that marriage having been defined the way humans
reproduce is somehow a trivial coincidence. If humans did not reproduce the way
they do, marriage would never have been defined the way it has (male-female) around the world and
throughout history…but back to outside systems.
a Compass:

What happens if a large group of symbiotic
travelers refuse to use the compass? They will go “somewhere” based on their
beliefs and experience about traveling.
They may split up into smaller groups, but even the smaller groups need
to decide what to do. The
strongest will rule eventually, whether by physical force or via other kinds of
peer-pressure, coaxing or bullying. It’s the same in societies. Even for the most stubborn and
independent of individuals, the strongest will rule eventually, whether it’s a
dictator by physical force or just a majority via lawyers and laws.
If a customer complains that a product
or system is not working right, one of the first questions the vendors support
team should ask (internally) is… “Is there a deviation?” In other words, is the
product/system working within its normal operating limits or not? There are many
situations in which a product is working within in its established parameters,
but the customer still doesn’t like it. Here we have a situation where the
customer is saying “it’s wrong” and the vendor says “it’s right”. So what
should they do? Is the customer ALWAYS right?
Many times they will refer to industry
standards as the outside system (like ISO). The
data comes via an outside body of industry experts. They establish widely
accepted benchmarks which are independent of the opinions of both the customer
and the vendor.
If you’re a true a relativist, then
this post is not really for you, since pure relativism cannot plant a stake in
the ground for anything to be truly right or wrong; there are only opinions.
For those of us who think right and wrong actually exist objectively, where do
we look to? Should moral standards be left to some “body of experts” like in
industry? If humans look to other humans to know what is moral for humans, I
would say it is still an internal system, like the travelers looking to other
travelers instead of a compass to find which way is north. Humans would need to
look outside of humanity, but also higher than humanity, so animals would not
Bonobo chimps are most similar to humans
genetically and are known for their sexual promiscuity. They do not seem to
discriminate in their sexual behavior by sex or age. In addition, communal sex seems
to decrease tension and keeps the peace. I’ve heard it argued that if we could
be more like the bonobos, we would all be happier. Wanting to use animals as
our outside system for sexual morality shows just how far the human intellect
has fallen.![]() |
Shameful! |
Many believe that God is the outside system for human morality. God would act as the unchanging magnetic field in the compass allegory, but what would act as the compass itself, the visible and universal thing that points the way? Some may point to sacred writings like the Bible as a kind of travelers guide or map, but written words do not “interact” with people the way a compass interacts between the earth’s magnetic field and the travelers. A map would be an irreplaceable tool, but maps will not orientate you in the right direction like a compass will.
If God really does exist and really does
care that we know “The Way”, it seems reasonable that He would provide a reliable
compass that was visible and universal for each new generation of travelers to
navigate life with. We call this “compass” the one holy, catholic and apostolic
Church. The idea of this kind of outside system is not new; the earliest Christian
writers understood its importance…"For the time will come when people will
not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will
gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears
want to hear." (2 Tim 4:3)
Life without an outside system...
Life without an outside system...
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Stanford Nutting |