Friday, May 16, 2014

What's in 100,000 Digital Touches?

We finally reached 100,000 hits or “digital touches” as we like to say. Of course, some blogs may do this in one day for all we know, and some hits are spam or just the two of us clicking around the blog. So what’s the big deal?

Well, I would think 100,000 hits represent at least a few hundred different people reading about Catholic Faith & Reason and that’s no small thing. Regardless of the real numbers, this blog has always been a place where two or more are gathered, so thanks for caring and thanks for sharing.

Here’s a little more about us:
The Two Catholic Men are fellow parishioners, neighbors and good friends like this…

We are studious like this…

Loyal to the Church like this…

We “assist” misguided blog commenters like this…
Joe & Ben vs. random "wrong-person"
Sometimes stubborn like this…

Anti-Catholics find us curiously disturbing like this…

That’s OK; we find them curiously disturbing like this…

…yet we maintain a joyful worldview like this...

Last, but certainly not least, we’re grateful to God like this…
Thanks for visiting!!!

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